I need you to read the attached article and basically analyze it from 3 analytical approaches (rationalist, cultural and structural). In order, explain how each of these approaches explain suicide terrorism, what factors contribute to it (according to each perspective) and what is the justification behind each approach. Remember this is not a summary, it an analysis and critique of an article
Composition of the paper:
– Make a brief introduction summarizing the main idea/objective of the article
– Analyze each of the 3 analytical approaches (rationalist, cultural and structural) very carefully and give substantial information to better understand terrorists’ position from each perspective. try to be very specific and clear from a comparative politics point of view. if possible, provide examples and thoughts.
– Use you critic skills to agree/disagree with the author’s position, theories, methods or explanations
– Please write a short but clear conclusion on what you think of the article (if the methodology was right or wrong for you) and write a few sentences that show your complete understanding on the article.
Points to consider: Use APSA citation style (guidelines attached). The article is your unique source (do not use info from other sources). You can only cite a maximum of 3 (short sentences or phrases) from the article, the rest is on your own words, this paper is very short and the professor wants to see your own analysis.

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