A Proposal on Real Estate Business Plan

The business will be a Residential real estate which will be known as Jean and Cade investments and will focus on lease. The business will be formed in the state of Texas and will incorporate two stockholders: Mary Cade and Jean Wood. The purpose of the business is a residential real estate that will provide quality housing to the residents of the state of Texas. The formal charter and agreement will be in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. According to Neal (2008, p. 360) Legal formalities with help of professionals such as real estate agents that include paying of taxes are crucial. A legal paperwork will be prepared showing business details and the neutral party such as a company that will manage documentation and funds to enable smooth running of the business. (Marianne, 2013, p.117)

Name of Business
This will give details about the Ownership of Business and detailed Information on the Business.
Market Analysis
This will entail a market research and analysis of data on the real estate business in Texas (Dennis, 2010 p. 170)
Marketing Strategy
The section will capture Advertising, Promotion and Sales Strategy

Management Plan
The contents in this section are Management and Employees administration issues.
Financial Analysis
This involves Basis, assumptions of financial analysis and detailed financial information.
Literature Review or Bibliography
The business of real estate is the profession of buying, selling, or renting land, buildings or housing. (Anthony, 2005, p. 2) Real estate is used mostly in the context of probate law, and means all interests in land held by a deceased person at death, excluding interests in money arising under a trust for sale of or charged on land. (David, 2007 p. 11)
According to Casenotes & Aspen Publishers (2009, p. 67) in the Philippines, real estate is an area for growth. Aside from the development of high rise buildings the business is now seeing much land development with its continuous expansion for horizontal development projects.
Neal R. 2008 Real Estate and Property Law for Paralegals. Aspen Publishers, South Holland
Marianne M. 2013 Real Estate Law. Cengage Learning ,Stamford
Dennis J. et al 2010 California Real Estate Principles. Cengage Learning, Stamford
Casenotes & Aspen Publishers 2009 Real Estate Transactions. Aspen Publishers, South Holland
Anthony B. 2005 Stapleton’s Real Estate Management Practice Taylor & Francis New York.
David S. 2007 Essentials of Real Estate Investment. Dearborn Real Estate, California

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