3-Day Analysis
My personal goal of the RDA for the daily the three day average for both vitamins and minerals should be 66%, though, I fall short of vitamins A,C,D and K,minerals and Alpha-Tocopherol, Thiamin and pantothenic acid. The shortage of the aforementioned can be added in my meal as supplements as follows. A glass of carrots or soymilk for Vitamin A, an orange snack for Vitamin C, adding 1% of milk to my coffee for Vitamin D, and a snack of raw cucumber with peel for Vitamin K. I will supplement Alphatocopherol with spinach salad, thiamin with whole grains, legumes and nuts, and pantothenic with salmon fish and leafy green vegetables.
Total fat intake in my three-day analysis is lower than 35%, thus meeting my goal. My percentage of saturated fat is less than 33% thus conforming to the guidelines, though, my monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are lower than saturated fat hence a concern since they may lead to overweight or obesity and ultimately diabetes with the latter running in my family. A suggestion of lowering saturated fat in my diet; in my coffee, substitute whole milk for 1% milk or soymilk and butter croissant for high-fat saturated whole-wheat bagels.
My speculation of my mother’s high blood cholesterol is her high animal-derived diet; I’m glad according to the three-day average my cholesterol doesn’t exceed 300mg while fiber intake is below 26g. Supplements of fiber in my diet can be vegetables, whole grains and products such as substituting my white bread for whole wheat bread, fruits, legumes and a medium-sized banana (Med. Econ. Com.); a snack of a cooked broccoli cup and green peas and corns supplements to my noodle soup.
I expected my fat intake to be worse, though, my cholesterol intake was lower than expected. With diabetes and both high blood pressure and cholesterol running in our family, I’ve known there are ways to repress them, I’ve known how to add fiber while in the meantime reduce saturated fat intake and supplementing my diet to make up for the missing vitamins and minerals.
Work cited
Med. Econ. Com. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. NY: Medical Economics, Thomson Healthcare, 2002.
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